Training Sessions

PTC Training Sessions

Monday Swim 8.05pm Haverfordwest Leisure Centre.

Tuesday Run 7pm Meet outside Haverfordwest Leisure Centre

Wednesday See Pembs Tri Chatter Facebook page

Thursday Swim 7pm Milford Haven Leisure Centre

Friday Swim 6am Haverfordwest Leisure Centre,
Run (Track) 5.30pm Haverfordwest High School Track (A40 Entrance)


Annual PTC Membership is mandatory if you wish to participate in any training session, you must book each session via LoveAdmin, Sessions are either individually paid for on an ad hoc basis or by standing order.

Ad hoc £4 per session or £2 for students/unemployed (Please bring correct change)


Standing Order £15 per month or £7.50 for unwaged (Please Email us for more information) –  


We expect everyone who trains with the Club to support us by joining as members. Members have access to training equipment and also receive a discount on club kit, which includes tri-suits, cycling and running kit. For more information click below