
Welcome to the volunteers page of the website.

This page tells you a bit about the volunteers involved with running the club, and what their roles involve. If you would like to help out at all, click here for more information about volunteering.

Committee members

The committee posts are filled annually at our AGM which is held in October. The table below gives a bit of information about the roles and the people who hold them.

Position What the role involves Who holds the post A bit about the post holder

To ensure good quality communication channels between
the club,our members and the regional committee.

The role also involves steering the club’s future direction and to also ensure the smooth running of the club and liaise with other
committee members.

Peter Munn

Peter was dragged into triathlon by his wife Karen from a golfing background and has never looked back! He has previously helped out as secretary, treasurer and organised a number of excellent social events including the annual trip to Ireland.


To keep a record of members, and deal with the administration of all committee meetings and the AGM

Val Brown

Val has been a member of the club for 6 years, and has been involved with helping out with committee postions for five of those. She has previously been club secretary


To look after the club’s finances and make sure the books balance


Nicola Mills  Nicola has been a member of the Club for a number of years on and off, and is a particurlary strong cyclist. As a qualified accountant, our books are in safe hands
Club welfare officer 

To be responsible for the implementation of good practice and child protection policies within the club.


Jim Buck 

Jim is a teacher based at St David’s School. He is a qualified coach who helps out with the Tristars, and has been Welfare Officer for two years.


Training coordinator  To make sure that there are coaches arranged for all of the training sessions held by the club, and appropriate sessions are planned for the time of the year.  David Astins 

David has been involved with the Club for many years, and been involved on the committee for many years, including Chair, and Events Coordinator. As a level 2 coach, the coaching team are well guided by Dave!


Communications officer  To make sure that the Club’s website is kept up to date, and newsletters are produced for members  Ian Cooper  Ian has been a member since being dragged into the world of triathlon by his partner a few years ago and has never looked back!
Junior section coordinator 

To develop and take the lead in organising activities for our younger members


Richard Thompson 

Richard has been involved witht the club for many years, and is now encouraging his children to paricipate in this terrific sport!


Events coordinator 

The club organises and runs a number of club and external events, including a triathlon, duathlon and Dale Half Marathon


Alex Ilyat

Alex is a vet based from a practice in Haverfordwest.

He has been an enthusiastic member of the Club for a few years, and after getting the tri bug, joined the committee three years ago. He has been Chair for two years, and also looks after the Club’s finances.


Club merchandise 

Ordering and sales of the wide range of merchandise the club has, including race kit, casual clothes, swim hats, car stickers etc


Alex Ilyat 
Club championship 

The club holds a series of time trials in each of the three disciplines over the race season. The post holder arranges dates and makes sure we have time keepers etc for these events


Ian Cooper 
Assets  The club owns a wide range of equipment including turbo trainers, wetsuits, and heart rate monitors. The Asset Officer keeps a record where these items are and that they are in good order. Ellie Jones 

As an active member of the club and Level 2 coach, Ellie is an important member of the team helping with the club.


Store Manager 

To keep our store at STP school tidy, making sure our bits and pieces are easy to find and ready for events.

Terry Gover 

Terry has been a solid member of the club for a number of years, and also helps out with coordinating entries for the inter-club championships.